Caravaggio in Cameroon Marc Padeu and Jennifer Sliwka in Conversation
Fascinating online interview from the National Gallery with contemporary artist, Marc Padeu.
Padeu was interviewed by Jenny Sliwka, a Renaissance art historian, about the influence of Caravaggio on his work. She took five of his pictures of a religious society in Cameroon known for their production of bananas and coffee and analysed the links between the two artists. Padeu’s were bright pictures often closely based in composition on Caravaggio. The protagonist often have brightly coloured hair to reflect the effect of the chemicals they work with.
He talked about how he put himself through school by painting frescos in churches and while painting a black Madonna and Child he realised the religious power for the nuns in the church he was working on of seeing biblical figures who looked like them.
It was a slightly awkward talk as Padeu didn’t speak very good English so it was pre-recorded and Sliwka interviewed him in French and then translated. This made the discussion a bit stilted but once you got your ear in it was fascinating to find out more about Padeu’s inspiration. I’ll certainly look out for any exhibitions by him in London..