The Waterloo Cartoon
Stunning exhibition at the Royal Academy to show this cartoon by Daniel Malise for his
picture of the Battle of Waterloo in the House of Lords.
This cartoon was
huge, taking up 10 panels and was shown in a curved display so you felt
surrounded by all the faces and action. The quality of the drawing was
stunning. Everywhere you eye landed there was something else to see. It was
also good that you could get up close and look at the detail such as a
tourniquet on an arm.
Malise had drawn
this when the battle was still in living memory so he had interviewed veterans
and taken a lot of care to make it historically accurate.
It was shown with
some French prints of the time including a set with a similar feel by Rospina
showing a frieze of the Feats of Napoleon.
This was a
fitting last Waterloo piece to see in this anniversary year!
Closes on 3
January 2016