
Succinct exhibition at Tate Britain exploring the Vorticist movement.

This avant-garde movement emerged in London in June 1914 to create a new art for a changing world but had largely died out by the end of the war due the horror that the mechanisation that Vorticism celebrated brought. I’ve never warmed to this movement as it was partly a reaction against Bloomsbury led by Percy Wyndham Lewis and, as you may have realised, I’m a big Bloomsbury fan.

This room had everything you’d want to see of this movement and provided good explanations of it. I loved this juxtaposition of Bomberg’s “In the Hold” of 1913-14 with the torso of “Rock Drill” by Epstein and the inclusion of a work by women such as Jessica Dismorr as women were core members of the group.

Closes 25 September 2023




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