Platinum Jubilee Corgi Trail
Fun sculpture trail around Westminster of decorated corgis to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
If you follow my blog you’ll know I love a sculpture trail what you might not know is that my father bred Cardigan Corgis and we always had at least one and sometimes five around the house. This trail was therefore made for me!
I spent a happy afternoon tracking down about half the 19 corgis and I had already found four on the east side of Trafalgar Square a few days earlier. Some had a London theme but others were inspired by the places the Queen has travelled and the outfits she has worn. They were all designed by contemporary artists and designers and named after the Queen's own dogs.
I liked the London ones best although I admit they were a bit of a cliché but you need a cliché for Jubilee year. My favourite though was one which just looked like a giant corgi by Miya Tsuruda-Behan outside Westminster Cathedral but when you got up close you could see the paint strokes and realised how clever it was.
Following the trail also took me to a couple of areas of areas I’d not been to before and I look forward to going back and trying our a few new cafes and bars.
Closed 31 August 2022.