Carpe Momentum
Small exhibition
at One Canada Square of photographs by Christopher Jonas.
These were shown
in the reception area of the building and I was looking at rush hour so it
wasn’t the most peaceful environment but there were some interesting works. I
liked his street scenes such as that of a street vendor holding an orange. My
favourite was called “Game set and match to Murray” and was a photo of a crowd
watching Murray win Wimbledon on a big screen in a street. He just caught the
perfect moment.
I also like the
cityscapes and landscapes particularly one called Nether Wallop Hedgerow which
was a picture of a field through a gap in the hedge.
As I went round I
realised that Christopher Jonas had been president of the RICS where I work in
about 1992. The blurb said he is developing a second career in photography
while still active as a business man.