Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2013

Mixed exhibition at the ICA of new artists chosen by fellow established artists.

I have to talk about bad painting again. I suppose it was expressive but there was too much painting which just seemed to be dabs of paint in a vague design. There also seemed to be a lot of throwing a few bits of rubbish together and giving it a long rather poesy title! However clever your idea the product has to be good.

OK middle aged grump over I did like the big steel basket with sand had been allowed to flow through and form patterns and add texture. I laughed out loud at Adam Faramawy’s video of a 1970s style mad doing exercises in the nude, sweet! I also saw my second work of art made from food of the year and it’s only mid January with a picture made of mustard, wasabi, pepper and wall paper paste by Isabella Southwood.




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