American in London: Whistler and the Thames
Excellent exhibition at Dulwich Art Gallery looking at works by Whistler of the Thames
and exploring he relationship with the river.
Evening Standard
I loved the
etchings at the start of the show looking at the area round Docklands and the
Pool of London as I go to work on Thames Clippers so it’s a section of the
river I see every day and have grown to love. Whistler had captured it at a
moment when it was still busy and thriving but was about to change. I
particularly liked “The Lime Burner” with a wonderful multi-framed composition.
The middle
section looked at the various houses he lived in in Chelsea, his studios there
and the work that came out of them. It also explored his nocturnes and his
attempts to paint the river at night.
The last section
looked at how he was influences by Japanese prints particularly those showing
important stages in trade routes such as bridges,
All in all a
really well thought out and displayed exhibition. Note to self however, to try
to visit Dulwich shows before the last week! For a Thursday afternoon it was
really busy with about an hour’s wait to get into the show.
Evening Standard