When Words Become Art

Fascinating talk at Charleston Farmhouse as part of their Small Wonder Festival bringing together contemporary artist Nathan Coley and DJ James Lavelle.

The speakers were friends and had been brought together as both use snippets from others work to make their art. Coley takes snippets of text and makes giant illuminated signs of them and there has been one at Charleston over recent months.

They discussed where they found their source material, how they then made these into finished works, their attitude to getting permission to use other people’s work and the role of the audience. They didn’t always agree with each other which led to a lively but friendly discussion. 

It was interesting to see a rolling slide show Coley’s work above them as I didn’t know it well, apart from the Charleston piece, and to realise how the same words in different settings seemed to mean different things. He also talked about being commissioned by Charleston.




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