Antoine Caron: Drawing for Catherine de’ Medici

Delightful exhibition at the Courtauld Gallery of drawings by Antoine Caron of festivals for Catherine de’Medici and the Valois dynasty.

The picture of the festivals or magnificents have been reunited for the first time since the 16th century are delicate detailed drawings which were later used for tapestry designs which are now in the Uffizi. A nice AV  display matched the pictures to the sections of the tapestries which used them.

My favourite picture was of a court leaving a castle in which a wonderful array of people snakes its way across the paper including a falconer carrying his birds, a monkey riding on the bottom of a horse and so many dogs. There was also a water festival with a mock water battle and a jousting match with fire balls. The court certainly knew how to party!

Closes on 15 April 2018





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