Eileen Agar: Another Look

Interesting exhibition at the Redfern Gallery of works on paper by Surrealist Eileen Agar alongside five contemporary artists invited by the gallery to respond to Agar’s work.

I must admit I’ve not been to the current exhibition of Agar’s work at the Whitechapel Gallery so am not that aware of her work. The works here, like the one shown, were mainly colleges often overlaying a cut out frame over another work.

The five artists chosen to respond to her work were all women, LINDER, Lucy Stein, Florence Hutchings, Nadia Hebson and Oliva Fraser. I had only come across the latter before. I liked LINDER’s photo montage work combining female figures and objects particularly a work called “THE Sphinx” which superimposed a couple of classical heads over each other. I also like Florence Hutchings paintings of everyday settings.

Closed 17 July 2021


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