The Imaginary Project

Innovative new website providing online exhibition and collaboration space for artists, filmmakers, photographers, musicians and writers.

The site currently has three live projects delivered via Vimeo. Two recreate the sense of walking into an art cinema to see a film. You enter through the foyer and into the screening then settle before a screen which open out to show the film. One is a relaxing piece of found pictures of graffiti and textures from Brighton and Berlin which gentle merge into one another and the second is a music video for a song called Crow.

The third project creates a video space to recreate the atmosphere of a contemporary art venue and starts with a piece of video art with that sense of walking into a dark space to view it then leads you into galleries of photographs and paintings some of which have interesting commentaries by the artists. I particularly liked Alex Hesslenberg’s three photographs and Elizabeth Vicary’s haunting paintings.

This web site is the closest I’ve found to experiences real world art online and I look forward to seeing what other projects they create.


Very glad you liked the experience Cathy. I will keep you up to date if new content is added. Stay safe and take care Axel
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the Review Cathy - you have captured the concept of The Imaginary Project exactly.
We have some exciting projects coming up for Show number 2 in February with which we will keep you informed.
They include classic photography from Egypt and Morocco set to the haunting music of Theo Travis who plays the Armenian Duduk to be shown in our Virtual Cinema.
Please continue to follow us!
Best Wishes
Mark Nelson
Director of the Imaginary Project
Anonymous said…
The Imaginary Project:
current shows:
I Dream of Imaginary Spaces
Last Night I Dreamed in the Bardo
Remain Sitting at Your Table and Listen

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