Demonstration and Discussion from the Print Room

Enlightening online discussion organised by Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair looking at the role and important of traditional print studios.

The talk brought together Vincent Eames, from Eames Fine Art that specialise in prints and Jason Hicklin, Artist and Head of Printmaking at City and Guilds of London Art School. Originally they had hoped to bring it from the City and Guilds print room itself but wifi proved a problem so instead they filmed that space and ran the event from the Eames Fine Art print room.

They discussed how a traditional print room is set up with specific areas for each task around the edge and the presses in the centre of the room using the video to demonstrate this. Hicklin explained how this format has developed over time and is now accepted as the model for all food practice. He talked about how he teaches in the room, learning as much from the students as teaching them, and the benefits of this collaborative space.

Eames explained the benefit to dealer of this good practice as well as of keeping good records of print numbers and editions which support the market for prints.

I was fascinating to hear the artists and dealers views in the same talk and to see their reverence for traditional methods.


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