Christen Sveaas Art Foundation: The Travel Bureau, Selected by Paulina Olowska

Eclectic exhibition at the Whitechapel Gallery of a selection of work from the Christen Sveaas Art Foundation.

Paulina Olowska, a Polish contemporary artist, had selected these works from the collection of Christen Sveaas who has collected painting by Norwegian and international artists as well as antique silver and glass. Olowska was inspired by the largest travel agency in Poland, Orbis, which is known for its iconic travel posters, to look at how the collection reflects travel.

I’m not sure I always saw the link with travel in the works but it was a bright, colourful selection of work. I’m afraid I don’t remember a lot of it now and my notes are a bit illegible and don’t give me much a clue but I do remember some vibrant works including that shown here by the curator of the show.

Closes 8 May 2022


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