The World of Anna Sui

Colourful exhibition at the Fashion and Textile Museum of the work of the fashion designer Anna Sui.

Sui started her label in 1981 and had her first catwalk show in 1991. She was part of a group of designers who started to move away from the head to toe designs of the 1980s and adapted a more eclectic style. Her work is particularly popular in the Far East.

The show was arranged around a series of archetype styles in her work from fairy tale, through Americana and androgyny. Some of the styles merged into each other so you could see the development. My favourites were some of the first displays covering nomads and Victoriana in lovely autumnal colours and a luxurious mix of textiles. I loved the shoes! I could see myself swanning around in these.

Some of the later displays seemed more clichéd and picked much younger styles such as schoolgirl and surfer. I am a bit wary of fashions which promote the ideal of looking childlike. I was interested to see a dress in the andragogy section which had a male and a female version.

Upstairs there were interesting displays on accessories and the designers Sui works with as well as on makeup and hair design. I loved a section with outfits and their mood boards showing drawings, inspirations and swatches.

Closes on 1 October 2017



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