One and Other part 3
Ok this week’s Plinths visits! To sum them up the thing to do seemed to be to blow up balloons and raise awareness of something. It’s a good idea but does get repetitive. I am starting to realize that another art work will emerge from this which is the photos people take of their experience and the things they make. It could go on for ever!
Tuesday between 5pm and 6pm was Shawn the Sheep who inflated and released balloons to raise awareness of CLAPA an organization which helps people with cleft palettes.
Between 6pm and 7pm A Denholm who took a photo of the Square every minute.
Between 10pm and 11pm Christ_t who played the guitar and sang his own left wing songs. Should have been just my cup of tea but it seemed a bit miserable!
Saturday between 1pm and 2pm was Midwife Claire who inflated balloons and raised awareness of Maternity Worldwide.
Between 2pm and 3pm Lysianne who, you’ve guessed it, inflated and released Baloons to raise awareness for the British Lung Foundation.
Between 4pm and 5pm was Andrew C who played a small tuba because he had bet a firend at new year that he couldn’t learn a new instrument, get grade 1 and play it on the plinthe!
Monday between 5pm-6pm was Paul_D-1 a man in a black suit billed on the web site as a ‘last minute replacement’. He was quite friendly and engaged in conversation with passers by. In watching his slot he seemed to have had five minutes notice and was called on because he worked in a building nearby. I think he may be my favorite so far probably because he’d not over thought it and just enjoyed the moment!
Between 6pm and 7pm A Denholm who took a photo of the Square every minute.
Between 10pm and 11pm Christ_t who played the guitar and sang his own left wing songs. Should have been just my cup of tea but it seemed a bit miserable!
Saturday between 1pm and 2pm was Midwife Claire who inflated balloons and raised awareness of Maternity Worldwide.
Between 2pm and 3pm Lysianne who, you’ve guessed it, inflated and released Baloons to raise awareness for the British Lung Foundation.
Between 4pm and 5pm was Andrew C who played a small tuba because he had bet a firend at new year that he couldn’t learn a new instrument, get grade 1 and play it on the plinthe!