Introducing Michelangelo : the Last Decades

Fascinating lecture at the British Museum introducing their Michelangelo exhibition.

Co-curator of the show Sarah Vowles led us through Michelangelo’s career from 1534 when he returned to Rome and worked for the next 30 years. 

From the drawings for the Last Judgement she took us through the drawings for Tommaso dei Cavalieri and Vittoria Colonna spending some time on the religious nuisances of the latter drawings.

She also spent some time discussing the letters to his nephew Leonardo and his work with collaborators then finished by looking at his architectural work and late drawings which may be showing a less controlled hand.

It was a great taster for the show and I can’t wait to go when it opens. I particularly want to see the conserved Epifania cartoon and a painting by Ascanio Condivi based on it.

Stop press: I have been since so watch out for my review of it! Sorry I’m still very behind with blogging!




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