Going Outer Space with Michael Najjar

Fascinating online interview with photographer Michael Najjar to mark Photo London.

Najjar has become fascinated by space exploration since watching a live rocket launch in 2011. Since then he has built up a body of 65 photographs and 5 video installations in his Outer Space series. He sees space as a unique cultural and scientific world.

He discussed how he had undergone space training in Russia with cosmonauts and had experimented with taking photographs in a weightless environment. He constructs realities to show the possibilities of space.

He then took us through a selection of his works explaining how they were achieved and what they represent. There was a sense of the sublime about a number of these and in fact the picture shown here was inspired by Caspar David Friedrick’s “The Ice Field”. It shows the wreck of the Virgin Atlantic Galactica in 2014 made up of a digitally manipulated press footage.

Sadly didn’t manage to get to Photo London to see the works in the person but I will look out for them in future shows.


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