The Harry Potter Photographic Exhibition

Fun exhibition at the London Film Museum of photographs from the sets of the Harry Potter films and stills from them.

This was a beautifully designed show and included some props and costumes as well as excellent photographs. I’d balked slightly at the £20 entrance fee but felt it was worth it for the novel presentation. I even ended up paying more to have a bottle of Butterbeer at the end, well you had to really!

The photographs were well described. I thought I knew a lot about the films, having watched them all numerous times along with any extras on the DVDs, but I learnt at lot. I particularly liked the behind-the-scenes shots, like the one attached, which showed people in costume interacting with others. They gave a real sense of what it must have been like on-set. 

I’m not sure when it closes but it looks like it’s open to the end of the Summer.


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