Andrew Salgado : TEN

Lovely exhibition at Canada House of work by Andrew Salgado from the last ten years.

These were wonderful large portraits and self-portraits in fantastic bold colours. They used words and motifs within the picture to express the character and mood of the person. The best example of that is one called “Afterlife/Osiris” where the man has an eye on the back of his hand, a cross and heart on his cheek and words in the border.

I loved a smaller picture called “Wisher” of a man holding a rose. At first glance it’s a romantic picture then you notice that the small square of orange on the stem is a 99p price tag implying that the rose is artificial. My favourite was the large red one called “Fin de Siècle” with a figure in a black coat looming from a dark red background with a striking red hand.

Closes on 28 February 2017



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