Miró, Calder, Giacometti, Braque: Aimé Maeght and His Artists

Exhibition at the Royal Academy which looked at the achievement of the Galerie Maeght.

The gallery was founded by Aimé and Marguerite Maeght and opened in Paris in 1945. It was to become one of the most influential and creative galleries of the twentieth century. In particular this exhibition focused the work of four artists Miro, Calder, Giametti and Braque who formed close links with the family. It also looked at their early relationship with Bonnard and Matisse.

My favorite pieces were some stunning un-Braque like landscapes by Braque. There were about 7 of them put closely together and reminded me of the arrangement in my lounge! I found the film the family had taken of the artists particularly touching especially that of Matisse painting Margarite Maeght just underneath the picture he was drawing.



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