Paris 1874: The Impressionist Moment

Fascinating online lecture from ARTscapades introducing an exhibition recreating the First Impressionist exhibition.

Anne Robbins, one of the curators of the exhibition at the Musee D’Orsay, set out the aims of the show and guided us through the display and its successful add-ons including a VR experience and the loan of other Impressionist paintings to other galleries in France.

She began by looking at what was happening in Paris at the time from the building works by Haussman to the aftereffects of the Commune. She then moved on to what pictures were actually in the show and how they were hung.

She spent some time discussing how the show was a reaction to the annual show at the Salon and yet how much the two shows had in common with 12 artists showing in both of them before looking at how it established a new school of art and is often seem as the starting point of the Avant Garde.

It made me wish I had made the effort to go to Paris for this show. 


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