NG Stories: Making a National Gallery

Interesting installation at the National Gallery to mark its 200th anniversary.

The piece consists of two video rooms. The first looks at the current work of the gallery over a series of screens. For each topic it gives a couple of facts then uses photographs of current projects, art works and archive material. It felt a bit slow at first but as you got into it you slowed down to match it.

An interesting touch is that between each section you get plain yellow screens. One of the gallery assistants explained to me that if you walk past them it records your silhouette and these will be used in the reopening of the Sainsbury Wing. Look out for one with big hair and a back pack.

The second room looked at the history of the gallery making good use of archive material over two walls. It concentrated on the early years and the Second World War. I’d have liked to have seen some of the gaps filled maybe with a photo of every director.

If you are in the gallery pop in and give it a watch.

Closes 12 January 2025



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