The Painting of Modern Life and the Origins of Impressionism 1863-1874

Interesting online lecture from ARTscapades on how Impressionism began and what proceeded it.

The author Ross King looked at the rivalry between Ernest Meissonier and Eduard Manet in the 1860s examining the work of each of them and discussing why Meissonier is no longer popular while Manet and his fellow Impressionists elicit large sums at auction and large audiences at exhibitions.

He concentrated on Meissonier, as the now lesser known artist, outlining his successful career at the time and showing us some lovely images of his work. He then turned to Manet, how his career started and he was seen as a radical artist. King outlined how Manet was following the idea of contemporary authors encouraging the painting of modern life. 

Despite reading King’s excellent book on this period “The Judgement of Paris” I didn’t know Meissonier’s work. I do prefer Manet but will start to look out for the former on my travels.


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