Lisa Brice

Interesting exhibition at Charleston Farmhouse of new work by South African artist Lisa Brice.

I had seen Brice’s work before and liked it and it looked good in this space. I love that it is hung like an installation with a stripe of the blue pictures around the room making you look at them as a whole and then to walk slowly around the set taking in the detail of each work.

The works themselves take ownership of how women are, and have been, portrayed in art and record small private moments of lone women all done in just Cobalt or Prussian Blue which gives them a cohesive appearance. Some of the works responded to the sister show of work by Nina Hamnet and in this picture you can see one of these works echoing Roger Fry’s picture of Hamnett in an Omega Workshop dress. I also liked the texture of the shadows in some profile works and again one is shown here.

Closes 30 August 2021



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