Turner Prize 08

Annual exhibition at Tate Britain of the short listed artists in the Turner Prize.

I must admit none of them made me stand back and think “silly” this year.

Goshka Macuga looked at archiving, exhibition making and museum display using the works and relationship of Paul Nash and Eileen Agar. This therefore grabbed me from the start and I loved the two large, half cylinders in glass.

Cathy Wilkes, had done the manikin on the toilet with supermarket counter, which got the most publicity. I could hear my friend Linda’s voice in my ear saying “Messy”!

Runa Islam, was three video installations. I liked the one of breaking china which had a strange tension like an artistic Aunt Sally!

Finally Mark Leckey, who won this year, used found material to create images. I liked the fact that the small AV displays were shown on old projectors so making the thing projecting the art part of the piece.

Evening Standard


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