Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair 2024
Disappointing version of this art fair at Woolwich Works showcasing contemporary prints.
I say disappointing as I’ve been going for a few years and it’s getting a bit samey. There is interesting work there but it needed a bit more explanation and a change of presentation as it’s looking tired. I will also make my usual moan that bigger labels would help and not placing them so close to the frame that you can’t read them.
That said I did have a great conversation with one artist who spotted me photographing this duck picture and explained the technique to me. Sadly so good a conversation that I forgot to note his name!
There were some nice blocky prints of the South Bank by Paul Catterall who I always like and I loved Tobias Till’s dense map of London complete with now vanished buildings.
It was a nice touch to include an interior designed space showing how the prints might work in your home. A nice trick in this new development.
Closed 24 November 2024