In Focus: Piero della Francesca

Useful online lecture from the National Gallery outlining the life and career of Piero della Francesca.

Jo Walton, one of the gallery’s Stories of Art lecturers, look us clearly through the work of this 15th century artist. I know his work fairly well both from the National Gallery a trip to Arezzo and Borgo San Sepulcro a few years ago but it was good to look at the works in detail with some idea of chronological order.

She also discussed how for many years Piero was better known as a mathematician rather than an artist but came back to prominence as an artist in the 19th century and then told the story of Captain Tony Clarke who saved the town of Borgo San Sepulcro from extensive bombing in the Second World War as he had read an article by Adolphus Huxley which described “The Resurrection” in the town as “the best picture”.


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