Darren Almond: Time Will Tell

Fun exhibition at White Cube Bermondsey of new work by Darren Almond.

These pictures were broken numbers in grids which reminded me of those puzzles you get in Christmas crackers that are muddled up sliding blocks in a frame that you have to rearrange to make a picture. I can never do them! The idea is that numbers are the only true common language and the font used is one used in the urban landscape at stations etc. In each one there is an unbroken zero. I liked the fact they all looked similar but were made in different materials.

The show was accompanied by a sound track of a recording of the three working 18th century timepieces by Harrison in the National Maritime Museum which made you look at the works as if they are digital time pieces as well as making you walk in time with the ticking!

Closes on 20 January 2019


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