Olivero Rainnaldi: The Eight Acts of Mercy

Lovely installation at the Pio Monte Della Misericordia in Naples of a new piece by Olivero Rainnaldi to compliment the Caravaggio “Seven Acts of Mercy” whose chapel it shares.

The work consisted of eight white stylised figures standing on their heads on top of very tall poles in a circle. They pointed towards the dome of the small chapel just yards from the Caravaggio which we had gone to see. The chapel is in a confraternity building and your first view of the Caravaggio and this work is from the choir gallery overlooking the chapel in the main building. From there the figures look like they are diving into the space and you see the wonderful painting though this white circle.

As you can gather from the above I loved this work but it was only since I got home that I’ve read what it was about. It represents a proposed eighth act of mercy, being merciful to one’s self.  It takes its inspiration from the flame in the picture seeing it as a symbol of the Spirit. It was a beautiful work and did add another dimension to the Caravaggio, care for others but don’t forget you can’t do that if you don’t care for yourself.

Closed on 30 September 2018


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