Abundance: seeds, pods and autumn fruits
Interesting exhibition at Kew Gardens of paintings from the Shirley Sherwood Collection
looking at the different ways plants disperse their seeds and propagate.
There were good
information boards talking you through the different dispersal methods. I’d
never really thought of fruit in this way but of course it gets eaten by birds
and animals and distributed via their waste products.
There were some
beautiful pictures such as Yanny Pettters picture of a teasel painted in oil of
glass with a lovely sheen. Also Brigid Edwards picture of a sunflower and Sue
Williams called “Black Lace”, a delicate picture of leaves and berries.
I was fascinated
by the Traveller’s Palm from Madagascar with blue seeds which evolved so that
the lemmas could see the seeds as that can’t see red. I love exhibitions where
you discover new weird facts.
Closes on 11
March 2018