Daily Encounters
Exhibition of photographs at the National Portrait Gallery tracing the history of British press photography in the Fleet Street years from the turn of the century to 1986.
It looks at the different roles of staff photographers and agencies and has a number of photos with photographers in them including one for about 1910 of an incident at Downing Street with a photographer in the middle.
There was a good section on how different people or causes have used press photographs to their advantage such as the Suffragettes and Winston Churchill at the siege of Sidney Street.
I liked the more odd ball pictures such as members of Broadstairs Council ready for gas drill showing a collection of gentlemen in gas masks looking like refugee monsters from Doctor Who or Lord Hailsham swimming at Brighton.
Daily Telegraph
It looks at the different roles of staff photographers and agencies and has a number of photos with photographers in them including one for about 1910 of an incident at Downing Street with a photographer in the middle.
There was a good section on how different people or causes have used press photographs to their advantage such as the Suffragettes and Winston Churchill at the siege of Sidney Street.
I liked the more odd ball pictures such as members of Broadstairs Council ready for gas drill showing a collection of gentlemen in gas masks looking like refugee monsters from Doctor Who or Lord Hailsham swimming at Brighton.
Daily Telegraph