Suzanne Treister: HFT The Gardner

Intriguing exhibition at Annely Juda Fine Art of work by Suzanne Treister.

The show is made up of works by a fictional creation Hillel Fischer Traumberg, a banker turned ‘outsider artist’. The premise is that he is a high-frequency trader who experiments with drugs and explores the ethno-pharmacy of over a hundred psychoactive plants. He uses Hebrew numerology to find the numerological equivalents of the plants’ botanical names with companies in the FT Global 500 Index. Are you still with me? I’m not sure I am! The press release continues the story but I must admit I got a bit lost at this point!

However I liked the works this premise produced. They consisted of mind maps of company names and wonderful pictures of plants on black backgrounds. The works I liked best were a wall of mock botanical drawings with company names which looked a bit like bank notes.

Closed on 29 October 2016



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